NC Live Jobs Portal connects you to resources to prepare for and build on your career, including test prep, career guidance, business research and more.
LearningExpress Library provides practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for students adult learners. Includes GED, GRE, SAT, TEAS and more.
JobLink Career Center gives you access to workforce development professionals that provide services including free computer access, resume help, job search assistance, unemployment claims, veteran's services, and more.
Business Link of North Carolina offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and information on how to create business plans.
Cypress Resume Maker is the simplest, most effective tool for resume creation. Just fill out a few simple forms, and let Cypress create your resume for you!
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, DigitalLearn have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.
Northstar Digital Literacy tests your computer skills. You can build skills in key areas, and demonstrate your knowledge by earning certificates and badges. Prepare for your future now!
The program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century from Microsoft Office and email to reading, math, and more.
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