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Local History & Genealogy Research: Family Histories

Harnett County Family Bibles

Digitized collection of family bibles from Harnett County at the State Archives of North Carolina, hosted on their website North Carolina Digital Collections.


Harnett County Military Pensions

Digitized collection of military pension applications from Harnett County at the State Archives of North Carolina, hosted on their website North Carolina Digital Collections.

Description of the collection: "Application forms for Confederate pensions, sometimes including correspondence or additional affidavits regarding a soldier's or widow's claim."


Local Draft Board Records, Harnett County

Digitized by the State Archives of North Carolina, hosted on their website North Carolina Digital Collections.

Description of the collection: "Lists compiled by the local county draft boards in North Carolina of men who enlisted or were drafted during WWI."

Creator: United States Selective Service Board (Harnett County, NC)


Harnett County Permanent Registration of Voters, 1902-1908

Digitized by the State Archives of North Carolina, hosted on their website North Carolina Digital Collections.

Description of the collection:

"List of men registered to vote under the Grandfather Clause in North Carolina in Harnett County from 1902-1908. The Grandfather Clause was added to the 1900 North Carolina State Constitution as part of the disfranchisement amendment. The disfranchisement amendment stated that a male citizen must be able to read and write a selection of the state constitution to ensure literacy. The Grandfather Clause was added to this amendment in order to further prevent African American men from voting. The Grandfather Clause stated that a male citizen did not need to be literate if he could prove that his direct descendent voted in an election prior to January 1, 1867. Since this date was prior to the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment, which gave enslaved people citizenship, the Grandfather Clause automatically restricted the newly emancipated men from being able to vote. The original lists were sent to the Secretary of State to be microfilmed for permanent preservation. The microfilm reels are the only known copies."

Creator: North Carolina Clerk of Superior County (Harnett County)